Nachhilfelehrer Ashutosh G. aus 45355 Essen

Meine Daten

35 Jahre
1. - 13. Klasse
Erfahrung als Nachhilfelehrer:
2 Jahre

Über mich / warum ich Nachhilfe erteile

I consider learning to be a thing of Inference. So the more you infer, the more you are aware and hence the more you learn... This also means the faster you infer - the faster you learn! Thats what I like to do... help people infer and grow. And then wouldn't it be awesome if somewhere were there to support your growth, help you, hold you when you fall and push you so you can reach higher and grow better ?... That is what i find amazing about tutoring... and thats why I like to do it! :)

Ausbildung/ Erfahrung in Nachhilfe

Teaching engineering students part-time in India along with my University studies in Mechanical Engineering

Leading classrooms for duration of 1 year about Way of Living ( for Landmark Education Technologies Pvt. Ltd.). The classes had 4-5 number of students

Berufserfahrung/ Spezialgebiete

English Language ( I have the score 8,0/9,0 in IELTS Test)

Mathematics (Algebra, Calculus, Elementry school Maths)

Physics, Mechanics (Statics, Dynamics)

Mechanical Engineering, Power generation, Turbo-machines

Computer Programming - C, C++, Fortran, Python

Indische Sprache - Hindi


Lerntechnik vorhanden
Informatik vorhanden
Physik vorhanden
Englisch vorhanden
Mathematik vorhanden

Bevorzugte Zeiten

Zeiten Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag
Morgens vorhanden vorhanden
Nachmittags vorhanden vorhanden
Abends vorhanden vorhanden


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  • 10.00 pro Stunde

Nachhilfelehrer Ashutosh G. aus 45355 Essen bietet Nachhilfe in Lerntechnik, Informatik, Physik, Englisch und Mathematik an.